Hands Of a Genius Graham Short. The Worlds smallest hand micro engraver.
The Football League
The Football League engraved upon the base of a football boot stud.
The Lord's Prayer
The complete Lord's Prayer hand engraved upon the head of a gold pin.
The Shahada in a Needle
The Shahada engraved upon a spec of gold mounted within a gold needle.
The Shahada needle close up
A close up of the Shahada engraved upon a spec of gold mounted within a gold needle.
The 5 pillars of Islam
The 5 pillars of Islam hand engraved upon the head of a pin.
Russian Otche Nash
Russian Otche Nash hand engraved upon the head of a gold pin.
The Goddess Durga in a needle
Hand Engraved on a gold speck mounted in a needle.
The Goddess Durga close up
A close up picture of the hand engraved Goddess Durga on a gold speck mounted in a needle.
Jesus Christ
Hand Engraved upon the head of a gold pin.
JANE AUSTEN - £5 note
Hand Engraving upon a £5 pound note and circulating within the UK. An estimated value of between £30K to £50k was placed upon this by currency collectors.
Shakespeare £1 coin
Hand Engraved Shakespeare between the letters E and P of a one pound coin.
Wimbledon Winners
The complete set of Wimbledon Winners to 2018 hand engraved upon a gold pin.